Do Less & Get More Out of Your Restroom
A well-functioning restroom requires less maintenance. It uses less paper towels, soap and energy. It turns the restroom into a source of value for the facility—not wasted time and money. Bobrick products and resources provide facility managers with the support they need to efficiently operate great restrooms.
The Resources You Need
Explore Bobrick resources and partner websites to stay proactive and keep your restroom operating efficiently.

Replacement Parts
Lost your Bobrick key? Need a new dispenser pump? Find the right replacement parts for your products.

Service Parts & Manuals
A quick reference for identifying replacement parts and troubleshooting guides for your products.

Case Studies
Browse project photos and discover what makes commercial and institutional restrooms successful.

Guide Specifications
How much money could a new soap dispenser or towel dispensing solution save your building? Find out.

Our Brands
Explore Bobrick’s industry-leading brands, including Koala Kare Products and PRIVADA Cubicles®.